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Source: Favre Doesn’t Want Surgery on Throwing Shoulder

Published by on May 19, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

After a report today from the St. Paul Pioneer Press that said retired quarterback Brett Favre would be meeting with Dr. James Andrews on Tuesday to discuss surgery that he would undergo to release a tendon in his right arm, we have contradicting news.

ESPN's Ed Werder is reporting that, according to a source, Favre does not want to undergo surgery and would rather take a non-surgical route to release the tendon.

Such surgical options would be bicep curls and natural movements with cortisone shots to make the tendon in his right arm release on its own.

According to various doctors, the partially torn tendon in his arm is most likely what is causing the pain. However, if the tendon were to tear the whole w...

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