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Let the Cutler Era (and Questions) Begin

Published by on May 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Chicago had waited weeks for Wednesday to arrive finally. Actually, years. It was the afternoon that Bears quarterback Jay Cutler unleashed his first passes on the practice field in Lake Forest, and the new rich kid on the block didn’t disappoint anyone.

J.C. Superstar displayed the rocket arm and stone-cold swagger that convinced the front office to send quarterback Kyle Orton, a pair of first-round draft picks and a third-rounder to the Denver Broncos in a trade early last month.

Something else stood out as much as Cutler and his tight spirals downfield at the OTA – the slew of dropped passes at the other end of them.

Preseason camp may be 10 weeks away, but it’s not too earl...

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