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The Casual Fan: A Burr in My Saddle

Published by on April 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

How long does it take you to spot a casual fan? You know who I’m talking about: the guy with the Gretzky sweater who knows who won last night’s game, but not the winning goaltender.

The Jeter jersey who sits behind home plate jawing the entire game, waving manically while on a cell phone, with no idea who’s on the mound.

The suit sipping Chablis and nibbling on cheese, watching the action in the climate-controlled comfort of a corporate box, eyeing the TV more than the field.

That guy.

It’s not that I dislike these types. It’s more like they’re an itch in the middle of my back, annoying but not life-threatening.

Posers. Faux fans placed here to irr...

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