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25 Greatest Sportscenter Commercials No. 25 through 11.

Published by on April 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

If there is one thing all sports fans can truly agree on, it’s that the ‘This is Sportscenter’ commercials produced by ESPN are possibly the best commercials on television. I am not ashamed to admit that I spend large amounts of time just sitting on my computer, watching old Sportscenter commercials from time to time. So I decided to take on the daunting task of coming up with the best of the best, of the Sportscenter commercials. Originally I thought the top 10 commercials would be best, but after hours of watching every Sportscenter commercial I could find, I decided that 10 simply wasn’t enough. In fact, after watching as many as I could find, I found just under 50 commercials that warranted consideration. Afte...

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