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ECF Cavs-Magic: Be Wary, Magic; Cheer Up, Cavs Fans…Or Don’t

Published by on May 24, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

As a Cavs fan, obviously I'm not happy about splitting at home and giving up leads, but if I were the Magic and their fans, I'd be a little more worried about the Magic's play than it seems they are.

How many teams come back from 15-20 point deficits to win four games out of a seven games series?

I'm guessing not that many, but if the Magic keep this pace up, they are going to have to do just that to take this series from the Cavs.

Anyway, let's break it down.

First Halves

The Cavs have owned the first halves of both games so far.  Mike Brown and his coaching staff have outdone themselves in game-planning at both ends, and the Cavs players have come out with superior exe...

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