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Cincinnati Leaves Fans Seeing Red Again

Published by on May 24, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

To say I’m a big Cincinnati Reds fan would be the understatement of the century, albeit this century is still relatively young. Cut me, and I’ll bleed Cincy Red.

My love affair with the boys in red started around the same time when many around the country also became enamored with them.

In the early ‘70s, I jumped on the bandwagon powered by the Big Red Machine. The Reds of that era were a high-octane juggernaut, sparked by household names like Bench, Rose, Morgan, Perez, and Foster.

These Reds were perennial contenders and won back-to-back world championships in ’75-’76. Like all engines, however, the components that powered the Big Red Machine eventually wore out.

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