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Would Americanizing Soccer Ensure the Success of MLS and WPS?

Published by on May 25, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLS

In another B/R article posted today, What the MLS Must Do to Still be in the US in 2020, Mark Jones makes some excellent points, but gets several things wrong as well.

In brief summary, Jones cites low scoring matches, ties, and no-scoring matches as outcomes that must be changed in order to save the American game. He then suggests enlarging the dimensions of the goal, shrinking the size of the pitch, and shortening the length of the match, using PK's as tie-breakers, and calling more penalties in the box as his key solutions.  

His basic premise that soccer is not consistent with American sports culture in key aspects is a good one. Beyond that, he mostly misses the mark.  


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