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Minor Move For a Major Hitter: Jake Fox Called Up

Published by on May 27, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

The Cubs have made a few minor moves this morning, calling up Jake Fox, Andres Blanco and Jason Waddell.  Going down to Iowa was Bobby Scales, who had been battling the flu for a few days, and Neal Cotts, who had been battling his command.

Fox, 26, is making his long-awaited 2009 debut with the Cubs.  In Iowa, he was hitting a robust .423 with a .503 on-base percentage and slugging .886 with 17 home runs. 


Sure, you might be saying that the PCL inflates offense, he's 26 years old, and his "true talent" level is nowhere close to this.  But it isn't as if Fox is just hitting minor league pitchers–he's absolutely killing the ball. 


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