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“Matteau! Matteau! Matteau!” Remembering History Fifteen Years Later

Published by on May 27, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

"Fetisov for the Devils plays it cross-ice into the far corner...Matteau swoops in to intercept, Matteau behind the net, swings it in front he scores! Matteau! Matteau! Matteau! Stephane Matteau! And the Rangers have one more hill to climb baby and it's mount Vancouver! The Rangers are headed to the finals!"- Howie Rose, WFAN

What is certainly one of the most famous goal calls in NHL history, and definitely the most famous one for the Rangers, Howie Rose's announcing of Stephane Matteau's double overtime clincher for the New York Rangers over the New Jersey Devils in 1994 is something that Ranger fans will never forget.

After falling behind three games to two, Mark Messier made a guarentee before game six saying that...

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