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NBA Under the Bleachers: May 26

Published by on May 27, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Finding the Goose to Kobe’s Maverick

If there’s one thing that’s become blatantly apparent in the Laker’s playoff run, it’s that Kobe can’t do this by himself. He needs the Robin to his Batman, the Goose to his Maverick, the Laverne to his Shirley. What better why to find him than through the movies?

The Magic’s MVP? All Hail King James!

Yes, we were all blown away by Game Two’s spectacular Bron-Bron finish. But forget about the hype for a second (and look at Game Three) and you’ll see that keeping LeBron chucking threes from the cheap seat isn’t good for the Cavs, it’s good for the Magic.

Orlando Intervention: From One Fan to All...

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