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Reflections on Round Three and Predictions for the NHL Final

Published by on May 28, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Round three is over, after two very anti-climatic series, compared to the round two match-ups, and I have another 500 record.  Right about Detroit, wrong about Carolina.  Nevertheless, thanks to the first round, I'm 10-4 overall, despite going 500 in the previous two rounds. 

Like the last two articles in this series, I'm going to analyze the future of the losing teams and then predict the final winner.  Unlike the previous two rounds, nobody looked bad and saw their career take a nosedive, so I won't have to write a section like that this time.  So what does the future hold for the two losers?

Carolina Hurricanes

This year's playoffs have punctured a theme that happens frequentl...

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