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The 2001 New York Yankees—Not the Champs, but First in My Heart

Published by on May 29, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

We all have a special place in our heart for that one special team. One where when you think back about them, it will always put a smile on your face. As a fan of the New York Yankees, I love them all. Although I was not alive for a hefty portion of them, the stories I have read and the film I have watched have made me appreciate each and every single one.

Everyone has their reasons for their one particular team. A New York Yankees fan has quite a few options. Maybe it’s the 1927 Bombers because of their all around greatness. Or the 1961 team because of the home run race between teammates Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris. Whatever your reasons are, no one can debate it as the choice is simply yours, a matter of opinion.

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