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Enough with the Randy Johnson and 300 Wins Hype Already, Jeez!

Published by on May 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Surely, I jest?  And jest I do. 

Since 1888, when Pud Galvin of the Pittsburgh Alleghenys beat the Indianapolis Hoosiers 5-4 to became the major leagues' first 300 game winner only twenty-two others have reached that lofty milestone.  Of the twenty-three pitchers in the hallowed 300 Wins Club, only five were southpaws.  That perspective alone should have us all aghast, awed and a twitter, as the San Francisco Giants lefty Randy Johnson makes his bid for entry into one of major league baseball's most exclusive clubs.

So what gives?  I'll tell you what gives.

Johnson is a red ass.  That's right, I said it.  He's a red ass.  And I'm not just making the term up.  N...

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