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Marlins Or Should They Be Called Superfish

Published by on April 17, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

What is with the Florida Marlins!

I mean it's only the beginning of the season but they have made "Marlin" history by making their best record for a start of a season.

9-1.  Their previous best was 8-1 before losing their next game.

Everythings going right for the fish. They've gone 9-1 in getting a new ball park.  It's kind of a waist not to get a dome instead of a roof that closes whenever they need it which we hope might not take to long to close up when they do it!

Whats strange is when the last time they had a record similar (a record of 8-1 which is second best start for the Marlins in history) they won thier first the world series, in 1997.

I hope they can contin...

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