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Could LeBron James Be Human?: What His Defeat Means for the NBA

Published by on June 1, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Let's face it, LeBron James is everything we have come to want in a superstar.

He doesn't roll with thugs, beat up his girlfriend, or have any vices that could jeopardize his marketability.

(Of course, you could add the words "as far as we know" to each of the things in the previous sentence.)

The closest thing to controversy that Bron Bron has been involved in is wearing a Yankee cap to an Indians-Yankee game in Cleveland. Even that didn't bother me though, because at least he was standing for something.

Hell, LeBron has created such a vacuum of controversy that he creates controversy by staying away from it.

In 2007, while the Cavs were en route to the Finals, Ira Newble passed a...

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