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POLL: Which Active Patriots Jersey Do You Own?

Published by on June 2, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

 Patriot Pat says...

So I have a problem. I have an obsessive issue that requires attention. I can only allow myself to own one jersey of one active player on the Patriots. 

Rodney Harrison has been my jersey for the past six years, and now I am going to have to look into a new one.

What am I to do? How does one really choose? 

Choosing Rodney for me was simple. He was a freaking maniac, and I was psyched to have him on the team; especially after going to a Chargers game in San Diego with a friend one year and watching him plow through players like I used to plow snow afta a Nor'Easta!

So what jersey do you primarily wear on game day?

I need some expert ...

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