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Terry Francona: An Appreciation of His First 500 Wins.

Published by on June 3, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

This Column Originally Appeared at GetOutofMyBallpark.com

I remember when, the week that John Elway retired, the cover of Sports Illustrated had a picture of him and the headline, "John Elway: An Appreciation." I thought at the time that it was too bad that the guy had retired, that I had enjoyed watching him play, and that Broncos fans everywhere would probably be about ready to kill themselves (I was right about that last one, go Kyle Orton). But what I have realized now is that it was too bad. If people didn't appreciate John Elway when he was playing, then they missed out, and only taking the time to really appreciate the people who make our teams great when they leave (I hope you appreciated David Ortiz in the 2007 playoffs...

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