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My 11 Favorite People in Football

Published by on June 3, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

This slideshow is a response to this one by Matt King, http://bleacherreport.com/articles/191559-the-nfl-all-prison-team#page/1 While it is true that many football stars are not exactly the best role models, there are some that I look at and say that is how I want my kid to be. I put Joe Paterno's picture up because he is my favorite coach of all time. He is one of the few coaches who still does it the right way. There are still some players out there who do things the right way. Unfortunately not all these guys are big names and may never be. Still yet, it doesn't change my opinion of them. By doing things the right way, I basically mean staying out of trouble, working hard at practice, saying the right things to the media and not share...

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