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Penguins-Red Wings: Back from the Dead? Game Four Win Gives Pittsburgh Momentum

Published by on June 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Okay, I will admit to it.

Three days ago, I was ready to bury the Penguins—as evidenced by my article "It's Only Game Three, But Five Reasons The Penguins Are Doomed".

At that time, not many people could have blamed me.

The Penguins, while coming home, were faced with a huge mountain to climb. They had been outmatched, outplayed, and outclassed, and for the most part had been dominated in every way one could imagine. 

It appeared that there was nothing that looked good about their situation, and there was surely nothing good that could be said about it.

Someone must have given them a copy of the article I wrote, because Tuesday night the Penguins won Game Three. Then...

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