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Five Ways To Beat The Boredom of the NFL Offseason

Published by on June 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

As I sit here watching today's marathon of Burn Notice, waiting for the next article about the NFL to get posted on one of the many websites I frequent, I wonder, "What the heck am I going to do this summer to keep myself from getting so bored without any football?"

There's a dead point in the middle of the offseason where there's absolutely nothing interesting to write about, and thus we're left with nothing to satiate us while we wait for the regular season.

It's already started to happen.

News about our favorite (or not-so-favorite) teams and players has started to drop off.

We get a few meager morsels of information from OTA's and such, but it's just not the same.

Soon news wil...

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