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Journalists Don’t Do Their Job, so Bleacher Reporters Do It For Them

Published by on June 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Do you remember retired Admiral James Stockdale, who in 1992 was Ross Perot's running mate in that year's Presidential election?

I will never forget his deer-in-the-headlight stare into the television camera during the Vice Presidential debate. He leaned over the podium and said to the American people in a gravely voice, "Who am I? Why am I here?"

Sometimes, that's just how I feel.

I'm not a writer; I'm a high school history teacher. My command of the English language is no better than any of you who read what I write. I mean, why would anyone take time out of their busy day to read what I have to say about the Washington Nationals when they could just as easily read what real journalists write in Washington...

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