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Magic Pick on Someone Their Own Size, Lose: NBA Finals Game One in Graphs

Published by on June 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

The Lakers and Magic met in LA, and the result wasn't pretty for Orlando fans.

The Lakers had what the Cavaliers didn't: a slew of big men to throw at Dwight Howard, and enough length to put pressure on the perimeter shooting. Now that a whole day has passed, I've had time to crunch the numbers, and the spider graphs tell us a lot.

First, let's take a look at the overall team graphs.

The most tell-tale piece, obviously, is the disparity in field goal percentage—the Lakers shot 46.1 percentage, and the Magic shot a bottom-dwelling 29.9 percent (remember that the graphs show adjusted numbers, so the gap appears even larger).

That otherworldly-poor shooting contributes t...

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