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Sunday Brunch: My Thoughts on Brett Favre

Published by on June 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Hello all! This will be the first edition of my new weekly column entitled Sunday Brunch. In it I will discuss one main issue and also do my Ten Things I Think I Thought But Am Now Thinking Again (I know a total rip off Peter King).

I will also have a Monday Edition and a Tuesday Mailbag. Keep in mind though, I can't guarantee I'll always be able to post these but I will do my best. So let's begin shall we?

We've all been hearing the rumors. Will he? Won’t he? Favre's annual retirement debate has become the nation’s new pastime (sorry Baseball fans). And well frankly, I’m sick of it. When its breaking news when his agent says as of now he's retired, things have gone too far.


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