Featured, MLS NEWS

Are American Soccer Fans Hurting Soccer in the US?

Published by on April 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLS

Visit any of the major soccer message boards that cater to U.S soccer fans, and you will likely read virtually the same threads over and over: threads about how some political commentator believes soccer is destroying America, threads about how some sports media talking head (most notably ESPN's Jim Rome) hates soccer, threads about starting a Facebook for soccer defenders, and threads about how FoxSoccer.com writer Jamie Trecker is an idiot for being critical of soccer in the U.S.

You also have the threads about how bad the MLS sucks, how much U.S fans who like Real Madrid, Barca, or "the big four" aren't really soccer fans, threads about how horrible the U.S. National Team is, and threads lecturing us, referring to soccer as fo...

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