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An Open Letter To Baseball Fans Everywhere

Published by on May 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Dear Fans of Baseball,

By now, the news has probably reached you that Manny Ramirez, one of the most high-profile players currently in the game, will be suspended today for 50 games after testing positive for performance enhancing drugs.

I'm sure you are angry and upset that our favorite stars continue to fall victim to their own vices. First it was Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, and Mark McGwire. 

Now it is Alex Rodriguez and Ramirez.

How many fallen stars will it take before it ends you ask? 

The answer is that neither myself nor anyone in baseball is sure.

One thing that I do know for sure is that Ramirez is the first major star to come down with a 50 game sus...

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