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Appreciate Albert Pujols’ Greatness in the Here and Now

Published by on June 12, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

When selecting superlatives like "the greatest player of all-time," there's a natural tendency to look back to the past. Without considering a player's full body of work, we are hesitant to bestow honors better left for a day in the distant future.

I think this nostalgic approach deters our ability to appreciate what is right in front of us at present. When I went to a Cubs-Cardinals game in April, I snapped the above photo in an attempt to get a shot of my favorite player of all-time, Cubs bench coach Alan Trammell.

Looking at the photo today, it seems like an apt analogy. As we look back at the past, we may ignore what our attention should have been focused on all along: Albert Pujols in the midst of his ninth seas...

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