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Bloggers of the World, Unite! 300 wins, Sad Days in Motown

Published by on June 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

J Ellet Lambie of Hazaa recently offered his opinions on Randy Johnson's persuit of 300 wins, which came to a successful end yesterday at Washington. You might recall that the Nationals are the former Expos, which is the team Johnson broke in with, and where he won exactly three games before being shipped off to Seattle.

Many kudos to the Unit on that historic accomplishment. From a freakishly tall guy who had no clue where the ball would go when he pitched, to a five-time Cy Young winner, it has been an honor to watch his greatness develop.


So much for the good news

Over the past three days the Tigers have been pounded into submission by the bullies from Boston.

Sadly, Detro...

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