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“Blue Billingsley” the Flavor of the Month

Published by on April 28, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Yesterday, an ice cream man was making his run through my neighborhood, and I decided to treat myself to a cool treat.

"How about a scoop of Strawberry Santana?" he asked. 

"No," I said. "Its taste isn't long-lasting enough."

He tried again.

"How about some Lime Lincecum?" he offered. 

Again, another denial from me.

"The texture is too thin," I replied.

On his third attempt, the flustered ice cream man resorted to his premium flavors.

"How about a scoop of Blue Billingsley?" he inquired, clearly confident that he'd found the one. 

I said excitedly, "You have Blue Billingsley?

"Make that two scoops!"

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