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Can We Really Believe Manny Ramirez?

Published by on May 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Jose "Nostradamus" Canseco said he suspected Manny Ramirez was taking steroids long ago and now Major League Baseball has stuck Manny on his rear end for 50 games after testing positive for a banned substance.

The only problem is that the banned substance was a women's fertility drug that helps women who are ovulating or want to lose weight. 

Manny...is there something you want to tell us?  And why are you taking Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)?

Manny said he was having problems in the bedroom and that's why he went to a doctor to get help and hCG is supposed to build testosterone.  The only problem with that is according to steroid experts hCG is ...

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