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Casey at the Bat | Mariners Marathon Brings Return Of Niehaus’ Youth

Published by on May 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

I missed a classic showdown today.

I woke up today to begin research and interviews for a first-person narrative piece I’m going to write for my college’s paper about our intramural cricket team. Their match started only shortly after the Mariners game, so I set my DVR and left.

When I got back into my car at about 5 p.m. with the Mariners game still on the radio, I gave up hope on watching the game’s conclusion on my DVR.

It was nice though, in an exciting end, to hear the Mariners’ broadcast team of summers past together again. Rick Rizzs and Dave Niehaus combined to bring excitement to the game that I hadn’t heard in some time.

When Dana Eveland overthrew secon...

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