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Casey at the Bat: Predictions, Playoffs, Ackley

Published by on June 12, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

I’m no Nostradamus. Hell, I’m not even in Miss Cleo. I am to baseball psychics and prognostication what the guy who guesses weights is to the carnival. I take an educated guess, throw a dart in the dark, and hope that the result is in some way flattering.

My claim to fame is guessing that Barry Bonds would one day hold the home run record in the middle of the 1998 season, and then calling him a steroid user before the BALCO scandal. That’s it.

However, in the 2009 season, I’ve caught lightning in a bottle.

During spring training, before this column was called Casey at the Bat, before the Seattle tag had featured columns, I criticized Brandon Morrow’s decision to re-enter the ...

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