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Celebrating Randy Johnson

Published by on May 12, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

On the cusp of a major milestone, we should celebrate Randy Johnson.

Randy Johnson is a freak. I've said so before in a previous article. He just achieved his 298th career win, and he will likely be the last pitcher to reach this milestone for a long time.

An imposing figure on a 10-inch-high mound, Johnson was just a wild pitcher with a 48-47 record on his 29th birthday. At that time he had lead the American League in walks three straight years. Any pitcher with a 100 MPH fastball would be hard to hit, but Johnson was rarely around the plate.

His talent was enormous, punctuated by a no-hitter in 1990. Yet his 1991 season featured a rare statistical anomaly, with Johnson giving up more walks than hits. Th...

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