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Cubs-Diamondbacks: Who is This Milton Bradley You Speak Of?

Published by on April 29, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Filed:April 28th, 2009

The Cubs are slowly getting back to health, and to basics, for that matter.

Much of their promise was on display Tuesday, as they battered the Diamondbacks 11-3 at Chase Field.

You have to enjoy games like these, as they have a little something for everyone.

Start with a Milton Bradley sighting.

Bradley, in the lineup for the first time in a week, went 2-4, and didn't look too bad doing it; at least at the plate. I thought his eye and timing looked good, but he seemed to be in absolute slow-motion while cruising the outfield and running the bases—smooth, but it looked obvious that he wasn't going to strain himself to make plays.

At this poin...

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