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David Wright and the Invisible “C”

Published by on April 18, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

When Gary Sheffield homered on Apr. 17, it was his first hit as a two-week veteran of the Mets. It also happened to be his 500th career homer.

When he rounded the bases, the first of many hugs was from Jose Reyes. But by far the longest, most meaningful hug was from third baseman David Wright.

Sheffield was considering his options a few weeks ago—among them were the Phillies, Reds, and Rays—when Wright texted him to persuade him to join the Mets. That gesture convinced Shef.

It also showed why Wright wears a big invisible “C” on his chest. That sits just under his face, which is considered to be that of the franchise as well.

If David Wright were judged merely by his ...

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