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Dustin Pedroia Could Earn a Batting Title

Published by on May 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Dustin Pedroia was named Rookie of the Year in 2007 and won MVP in 2008.

But he's yet to win a batting title, something that is currently a very real possibility.

That is not necessarily because of Pedroia's batting .336 after a four-hit performance, yesterday.  It has a little to do with that, yes.  But mostly this is because of his past performance, with a small correlation to his current performance.

In his first two seasons in the league, Pedroia has batted .317 and .326.

It seems likely that Dustin can sustain these type of numbers because he has such a high contact rate, and plays in a park that aids in his production.

There are several legit candidates with which t...

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