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Early Season Surprises! Hot and Cold!!

Published by on April 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

It's the best, and the worst of times. Springtime, and the return of baseball. Green grass, blue skies, fresh air, and then it happens, my favorite player whiffs on a high and outside pitch.

The Yankees first game of the season, Hideki Matsui sends one high, and deep to right field. It is well back in the stands for a round-tripper, and my season is underway. Unfortunately, he hasn't had a hit since. Guess that is why they call it a game.

Back in the preseason fantasy drafts, I was all over this new kid, Alexei Ramirez, of the White Sox. He was my sleeper pick of this new season. I had labeled him as my upset special. I was surely right there, he has upset me every day thus far, hasn't hit his weight. He sure wa...

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