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Fantasy Baseball: Friday News and Notes

Published by on May 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

So, how many articles have been written about Manny in the last 12 hours? 50? 100?  Look, I'm as disappointed as the next guy, but I can't say I'm surprised any more. Names that come out simply don't shock me. I almost feel like I should have expected it. A sad thing really.  I won't bore you with my own personal diatribe on Ramirez. The out-pouring of self-righteous journalism will do that for you well enough (not a bad thing, just saying that there are plenty of people with opinions). I'm only going to focus on the fantasy implications of the suspension.  That's what you've come to expect from these writings, so that's what you're going to get.  Let's hit the notes. 
Thursday Rewind So you're without your ...

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