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Fantasy Baseball: Wednesday News and Notes

Published by on May 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

I don't understand the two game series in baseball. It just doesn't make sense to me. You have a team fly in, play twice, then go somewhere else for two games, then a weekend series. In what realm does that add up?  We have plenty of them this week, as teams finished games last night and got on planes to head to another destination. When you add this to the idea of playing early April games in the northern part of the country in outdoor stadiums, the scheduling questions mount further.  I know there's a lot to consider, but this is what we're left with? If teams weren't required to play everyone in their division 19 times a year, you'd have to think it would be slightly better.  And, yes, I think Joba threw at Jason Bay last ...

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