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Five Baseball Achievements Never To Be Seen Again

Published by on May 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

As I was thinking about typing up a story to publish and thought to myself, now that Manny Ramirez has been caught cheating and people like David Ortiz are "all of the sudden" on a power shortage, what affect will the new steroid policy have on baseball? I went immediately to home runs, which led me to this:

What are the top five baseball achievements we will never see in our lifetime?


50 Home Runs in a Single Season

Remember when George Foster hit 52 home runs in 1977? Then there was 13-year drought before Cecil Fielder hit 51 in 1990 for the New York Yankees. From 1995-2008, 23 players hit 50-plus home runs. Eighteen players did it from 1900-1994.

What a scary era baseball...

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