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Get to Know Some of the Potential Mariners’ Draft Picks

Published by on May 26, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Let me start off by saying I have absolute, complete, and total faith in Z's expertise when it comes to the draft.

But I'm going to take a crack at it—more like a dent, seeing how I'm not going too deeply into it.

For the Mariners to be successful, the middle of the field (C, SS, 2B, CF) must be above average either defensively, offensively, or both. Once this core is in place, the position players in the M's system can be the support for this core.

The pitching staff is the same basic idea.

The pitchers in our system look to translate into power relievers (Fields and Aumont) and No. 3-5 starters (Pineda, Ramirez, and possibly Adcock). So, to me, our needs have to be ...

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