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Go Early, Go Often: Fire Brand’s Best of April

Published by on April 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Tonight's game against the Tampa Bay Rays marks the final game of the first calendar month of the season; and what an April it was.  From the panic that set in BWNNH (Before Wake's Near No Hitter) after a 2-6 start, to the exhilaration of winning 12 out of 13 including a le-gen *wait for it* DARY sweep of the New York Yankees AB (Anno Bay—In the Year of Our Bay), April has been all Red Sox fans could ask for.

Who would have thought after the first week of the season that April would end with the Red Sox atop the American League with the league's best winning percentage? Today we look at the best performances of April, culminating in the Fire Brand Player of the Month award. If we were to look at the straight performa...

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