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How High Can You Go? Top Five Highest Recent Pitching Legkicks

Published by on May 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

You try getting your leg all the way up there.  It's hard.

Many pitchers, even from recent times, have had insanely high leg kicks. Kids like El Duque and Bronson Arroyo baffled hitters with how high their respective, towering legs could go.

Of all of the names to sift through, here are the top five:

5. Chris Volstad:

People sometimes overlook how high this reliever's kick is when coming from the stretch.  He has shortened it recently, however, to prevent steals. 

4. Bronson Arroyo:

Featured at the top, his delivery brings his leg way out and up, and actually looks painful.

3. Tim Lincecum:


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