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If You Love the Mets Do Yourself a Favor And Turn the Radio Off Today

Published by on April 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Mets fans, turn the radio off.

All that listening to sports talk in NYC today is going to do is fill your brain with crazy thoughts.

If you're a radio host with four hours to kill, with no hockey, basketball or football you can do one of three things:

A) analyze the Yankee game, which comes down to "Joba pitched well." That's five minutes

B) talk about the Daily News A-Rod story which has nothing new


C) Kill the Mets!

So ask yourself. Do you really want to curcify David Wright? Is that what we've become as a fanbase? David has one bad week and we're going to kill him?

You want to kill Jerry? What was wrong wit...

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