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I’m Your Pusherman by J Ellet Lambie: All Your Fantasy Baseball Needs

Published by on June 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB


Yeah, you.....come here for a minute. I got something I want to show you.

Now listen, I know why you're here, you know why you're here so there's no need to be squemish about this. You're jonesing, I can see it all over your face. That fantasy baseball team of yours is in trouble. You're sweating for a .300 hitting middle infielder or maybe a cheap RBI man. Don't worry, I got your hookup.

What's that? You need OPS, baby I got all the OPS you need and cheap. Homeruns, wins? I got it all. Oh you want steals, the heroin of fantasy baseball itself....yeah, I gotcha covered.

I know your roster is tight, you don't have much to trade, that's cool. You just need a little something on the cheap...

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