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Jay Bruce and Billy Beane: Sittin’ in a Tree?

Published by on June 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB


Since Michael Lewis' 2003 bestseller, everyday there are new web sites, blogs, and bar room napkins dedicated to the discussion of "win shares" or "similarity score".  Rather than being one of these people, I would prefer to take residence inside of Bill James' colon.

Don't get me wrong, I very much enjoyed Moneyball.   In fact, while watching Jay Bruce, it has been on my mind a lot lately.

I am a Reds' fan.  So 90 percent of the games I watch will involve the Reds.  If you watch people over and over again—you can sort of get a feel what the person is like off the field. 

Post-game interviews, pre-game interviews, watching their habits on the field, in the...

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