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Ken Griffey Jr. Proves All Was Not Lost in the Steroid Era

Published by on May 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

With Alex Rodriguez and Manny Ramirez the latest superstars to fall into the steroid cloud, everyone is now looking at the current group of young stars trying to find the one to break the 'roid records and restore a sense of legitimacy to baseball's record book.

Why look for someone down the road when baseball has a future hall of fame player winding down a stellar career without needing, much less using the juice; which seemed to flow like Kool-Aid in clubhouses around baseball for far too long.

In the 'Steroid Era' of the '90s, Ken Griffey Jr. was a man among boys.

Will Griffey break any of the tainted records of baseball? No, he won't, but take a look at what he has done over the course of a ...

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