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Louis Skolnick Leads the Yankees 20-2 After 5 Innings

Published by on April 18, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

One game does not make a season.

April games don't count.

Come see me in October.

Oh yeah, what is the Red Sox record?

26 World Championships, baby.

Got rings?

I know all the cliches, and every one of them is, or may be, true. I am well aware that at some point the Red Sox or the Rays may be equally embarrassed. I am quite certain that the Yankees are not going to be a .500 team on October 1, and feel confident that their Championship drought will not go on indefinitely.

At some point in time, the Yankees will again sip champagne while I eat a piece of humble pie.

But for now, for today, for this moment in time, isn't this frickin' awesome?

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