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Major League Baseball’s Top Pitching Duos

Published by on June 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Every once in a while, I’ll get a really good idea for a post from a comment made by a reader. This is one of those posts. In last night’s game summary, loyal reader and commenter (thanks!) JAYRC said that Justin Verlander and Edwin Jackson might be the best pitching duo in all of baseball. That made me want to look into things.

The season is still young, so it certainly doesn’t mean that all of these trends will continue, but there are some very good pitching duos in the game right now. Numbers do tend to fall off as the season progresses, so this might be something I can go and look at in November as well.

Anyway, I was going to check all of baseball, but I hit a few snags. It took me a lot ...

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