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Mets and Yankees Playing the OPEC Game

Published by on April 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

The New York Mets and Yankees are taking a page right out of the OPEC playbook.  You know about OPEC, the oil cartel - The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

OPEC believes in using production quotas to increase the price of oil.  The Mets and Yankees believe in the reduction of seating to increase the price of a ticket.

It's a "supply and demand" thing with the emotion of sports thrown in the equaton.  Limit the amount of seats in a stadium and create more demand for tickets.

Oh my god! There won't be any seats left.  I better pay what they're asking.

Citi Field, the Mets new ball park has a seating capacity of 42,000.  The Mets averaged over 51,000 in Shea...

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