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Mike Port, There’s Nothing to Review, Your Umpire Messed Up Big Time

Published by on May 29, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Mike Port apparently needs to read the umpires' report before making any kind of determination of what should happen to Todd Tichenor, a fill-in umpire in yesterday's Boston Red Sox vs Minnesota Twins game.

There's no need for Port too look at the report, Tichenor messed up majorly and clearly has shown why he's usually umpiring down in AAA and even that seems too good for him now.

All the events occurred in the seventh inning as well. 

After a blown call at home where Mike Redmond got the tag down before Jeff Bailey could score, Tichenor called Bailey safe which really upset Twins catcher Mike Remond. He showed some emotion, but barely could say anything to Tichenor and within tw...

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